Hunter's Mind Slug
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 432
Golden Light164Remove Restrictions, 50% of the State of Liberation165Golden Light, Death166Shocked the Whole Crowd, Thinking of Retreating167The Fourth Punch, with Bloody Golden Light168Injured, Gave up the Mission169Changed the Target, Captured170Winner and Loser Have Been Decided171Prisoners172Handled173Leave Request174Things Done175Talks176Border News177Talks178Negotiated179New Plan, 300 Billion180Plan, Progress181Storm Is Coming182Electromagnetic Gun Composition183Start the Action, Quit?184Ron's Classification185So-Called S-Class186Dragon Star Cluster187War Begins188Caught in Sneak Attack, Old Man189Craving for Beauty190Witch191Wizard's Hand, Wooden Staff, Resentment192Beast King, Dispute193Tough Battle, Spirit of Resentment194Showing Weakness to the Enemy195Instant Reversal196Only Two People Left197Battle Situation, Analysis198End199Heart Palpitations200Unexpected Madness201Terrible Weapons202Follow-Up203Chapter 202204No Mercy205Anros206Bottle? Pot?207Anros Before, Black Mist208Wood Release?209Attack the Camp, Confidence?210Snake of Greed211Pot of the Gods?212Where Is the Thing?213