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The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 971
Almost Died762Break Through Defense763Super Energy Burst764Activate Planetary Shield765Last Battle766Dismantling the Planetary Shield767Mass Suicide768Strategic Hydrogen Bomb769Out of Ammunition770Strategic Retreat771Win-Win772Furious Ubuki773Crashed Ubud774Return to Saturn775Have to Die776Out of Cage777Group Destroyed778Bid Selection779Would Rather Die than Eat780Divide the Cake781Iron Squid782Central Computer Key783Do Not Bully Xingyao784The Impact of Technological Leaps785Die, Nanmen Er786Humanity Is Promoted to the Second Level of Civilization787Target South Gate 2788Fly Out of the Solar System789The Enemy Is Present790Invade the Solar System791Gravity Field Overlay792Detonate a Proton Bomb793Separate Interrogation794Give It a Go795Catastrophe796Arrive at South Gate 2797Kaku Civilization and Kakul Civilization798Catastrophe Coming799Scarlet Monster800Endless801Crazy Escape802Saturn, Dangerous803Critical Moment804Planetary Shield Charge805Jupiter, Hope806Disaster, Opportunity807Major Discovery808Go to the Battlefield809Hunting Feast810Return to Saturn811